Alison Howlett

Mar 12, 20182 min

"Could it be your Thyroid?"....

Starting your journey to become parents, is a very special time for you both!

If you both have been trying to conceive for sometime, and nothing seems to be working (not getting pregnant) you may both want to get your Thyroid checked?

The thyroid is a small butterfly-shaped gland, the thyroid gland produces hormones.

Hormones are chemicals that act as our bodies messengers, that travel through our blood, sending a signal to different parts of our body.

If you have a poor thyroid function or thyroid dysfunction, this then upsets your body's natural balance of reproduction hormones.

For women, having a thyroid problem, this could interrupt the complex process of becoming pregnant, this can also cause an irregular menstrual cycles or even the absence of your monthly cycle altogether, this then means you are not ovulating!

For men, its just as important to check their thyroid function as it is a woman's, as his thyroid activity directly affects sperm production. T3 the active thyroid hormone binds theses receptors, then directly influences sperm production and motility.

We provide you directly in the comfort of your own home or workplace, a Private and Confidential Full Thyroid Function Profile, this includes:-

Thyriod Profile

TSH - Thyroid Stimulating Hormone

FT3 - Tri -iodothyronine - tested for Hyperthyroidism

FT4 - Thyroxine - tested for Hypothyroidism & Hyperthyroidism

The above Private Blood Test, is the most comprehensive Blood Test to check or monitor your own Thyroid, we also offer other Thyroid Blood Tests that relate to your Thyroid, (Thyroid Antibodies) however its always better to check with a Full Thyroid Function Profile first, unless you already have Thyroid related issues at present, or previously.

Once your Blood sample has been obtained, this is then sent off to the Private UKAS Accredited Pathology Laboratory for analysis, your Private Test Results will be given directly back to you via email, within 24 hours!! This then speeds up the next best course of action, you may or may not need.

You choose the best Date and Time, that suits your busy schedule!

For more information, or to book your Private & Confidential Blood Test, please Telephone, Email or Chat online today.

"Your Blood In Safe Hand"


*All Blood & Urine Tests & Results are Strictly Private & Confidential.

*Please be aware our Private Blood Test Service is NOT a FINGER PRICK Test, we are fully Qualified & Trained Phlebotomist's, whom will take your blood sample via venepuncture -blood sampling and collection of venous blood.

#Hormones #Fertility
