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  • Writer's pictureAlison Howlett

“Does it burn, when you go for a wee”.......

There could be a few different reason why it burns downstairs, when you go to the loo especially, when you have a wee!

“It could be”.......

Gonorhoea or Chlamydia? 

Many people contract gonorhoea or Chlamydia without knowing it, because symptoms are very mild or even absent. If you test positive for gonorrhoea, you should also be screened for other sexually transmitted diseases and your sexual partner(s) should be tested and treated as well.   For women, early symptoms (which are often mistaken for a bladder or vaginal infection) include bleeding brought on by vaginal intercourse, burning/painful urination For men, early symptoms include a discharge of pus from the penis, pain in the penis, and a burning sensation when urinating. Symptoms usually appear 2 to 10 days after sexual contact with an infected partner. The early symptoms can be mild, and most women and many men can be infected without showing any symptoms. *Chlamydia is often called "the silent epidemic" because infections are very common yet many people do not know that they are infected. Bloods4you can provide you direct with a Private & Confidential Gonorrhea & Chlamydia Urine Test, all in the Comfort of your own home or workplace, what’s more your Private Test Results will be given directly back to you within 24hrs or even the SAME DAY!! For more information, please get in touch today! #bloods4you

Gonorrhea & Chlamydia......

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